ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme



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The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region Core Curriculum Programme is a vital curriculum and capacity-building project. Development of core competencies for public health has been a integral component of ASPHER’s operations since 2006. In 2022, it was agreed that a new direction was required. The Core Curriculum Programme strives to address the 'New Normal' which has impacted the public health landscape through the global pandemic of COVID-19 and other current crises.

ASPHER's vision of sustainable capacity-building in public health is more important than ever in the context of current population health challenges and threats. It is timely, therefore, to re-evaluate the 5th Edition of the ASPHER Core Competences for the Public Health Professionals (2018), and to address a Core Curriculum for Public Health for academic and vocational training programmes that supports the attainment of competencies according to existing Competency Frameworks and WHO Essential Public Health Functions (EPHFs).The Core Curriculum Programme relies on continuous connection, knowledge sharing and collegiality across many academic and public health practice sites within and beyond the European region.

Launch of the ASPHER Core curriculum for Public Health Ed 1.0

Prof. Mary Codd, Prof. Carlo Signorelli, Prof. Alison McCallum, Mr. Karl F Conyard, Dr. Jwenish Kumawat, Prof. Judit Simon, Dr. Samia Latif & Prof. John Middleton

The first edition of the ASPHER Core Curriculum for Public Health was launched at the 17th European Public Health Conference in Lisbon in November. This programme has its origins in the work of the ASPHER over two decades on core competencies for public health professionals and represents a collaborative effort from practitioners and academics in over 60 member Schools and Institutes of Public Health across Europe over the past 2.5 years. The overall objective of this Core Curriculum for Public Health is to reflect where and how education and training in public health can be improved to best equip current and future public health professionals to contribute maximally to their communities and societies, nationally and internationally.

To learn more about the launch click here


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