ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme


Activity Log

Launch of the ASPHER Core Curriculum for Public Health
01 dec 2024

The first edition of the ASPHER Core Curriculum for Public Health was launched at the 17th European Public Health Conference in Lisbon in November. This has its origins in the work of the ASPHER over two decades on core competencies for public health professionals and represents a collaborative effort from 60 member Schools and Institutes of Public Health across Europe over the past 2.5 years.

Prof. Mary Codd, Prof. Carlo Signorelli, Prof. Alison McCallum, Mr. Karl F Conyard, Dr. Jwenish Kumawat, Prof. Judit Simon, Dr. Samia Latif & Prof. John Middleton

The extensive scoping and consultative processes resulted 35 subject areas collated into four domains of (a) Core Subject Areas, essential in all graduate programmes in public health; (b) Subject-specific Areas, largely determined by the challenges of our times; (c) Core cross-curricular Subject Areas, applicable across programmes and integrated with core and subject-specific areas; and (d) Core Interdisciplinary Professional Skills, emphasising the interdisciplinarity of public health and the pivotal role of public health professionals in effecting change for the improvement and protection of the public health.

The overall objective of this Core Curriculum for Public Health is to reflect where and how education and training in public health can be improved to best equip current and future public health professionals to contribute maximally to their communities and societies, nationally and internationally.

The ASPHER Team and Expert Consultative Group were so pleased to see so many collaborators from all the many expert advisory groups at the launch in Lisbon. With standing room only, the launch was a success with so many people there to witness the publication of such an important project. During the launch we showed those in attendance how to access the core curriculum at our online resource hub and how they can give feedback.