ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme




This page describes the methodology used throughout the ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme. Different phases of the programme have different timelines, and as such different phases can be active at any one time throughout the programme.

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Phase I

Survey of Public Health Curricula ASPHER-Member Schools of Public Health

Literature and evidence collation

As new information, evidence, guidelines and syllabi are developed the CCP team continuously review materials to ensure that the ASPHER CCP is aligned with the evolving public health landscape it is designed to address.

Note: Any guidelines or useful information you believe should be added to the CCP, please contact the team via 'Contact Us' above.

Curricular content survey

A curricular content survey was developed and distributed to ASPHER-member Schools and Institutes of Public Health in Europe which aimed to establish expertise in public health programmes, with specific emphasis on 32 different subject areas. The ASPHER CCP Team would like to thank all ASPHER member Schools and Institutes for their responses to the survey.

The report of this study can be found on the ‘Publications’ webpage on the main menu above.

Phase II

Development of Curricular Maps

Curricular element ascertainment and curricular concept maps

Respondents to the curricular content survey were asked to share detailed elements of their curricula for inclusion in core curricular concept maps (CCCMs) for each subject areas to an agreed framework, i.e Subject Area; Themes; Curricular Elements.

Examples of CCCMs can be found in the ‘Curricular Content Survey’ report on the ‘Publications’ webpage on the main menu above.

Phase III

Consultation on Curricular Content

At a workshop during the 2022 ASPHER Deans' and Directors' Retreat in Sofia, the content was reviewed by 70 public health experts in the field with discussion in the areas of climate health, digital public health and public health emergency preparedness. We would like to thank Prof. Anders Foldspang (Aarhus University, Denmark), who joined via webcam to give the opening address on historic aspects and future importance of the ASPHER CCP.

For more information, photos and important points made during the retreat workshop are available on the activity post regarding the workshop via our ‘Activity Log’ webpage above.

Phase IV

Levels of Agreement on Content and Delivery

Subject specific surveys and analysis

This stage of the ASPHER CCP comprised an invitation to ASPHER-member Schools and Institutes and to external schools, institutes and services outside of the ASPHER to respond to subject specific surveys. The objectives were: (a) to ascertain levels of agreement to inclusion of curricular elements in the curriculum; and (b) at what educational level they should be delivered (Bachelor / Master / Doctoral / Professional Training / Certificate / Diploma / Continuous Professional Development)

Phase V

(a) Expert Advisory Groups (EAGs)

The final phase entails ongoing consultation with Expert Advisory Groups (EAGs), one for each subject area, to ensure alignment of the curriculum with the 'New Normal' for public health. Click here to see EAG Membership

(b) Expert Consultative Group (ECG)

The overarching consultative and editorial group comprises members of ASPHER Executive Board, ASPHER Secretariat, and members of ASPHER Task Forces and Working Groups on Climate Health, Digital Public Health, Diversity and Intersectionality, Economic Evaluation, Professionalisation, Public Health Emergencies and War. Click here to meet our ECG