ASPHER Core Curriculum Programme


Activity Log

CCP at Health in a Changing World - EURONET Spring Meeting in Genoa, Italia
21 jun 2023

During the recent Euronet MRPH (European Network of Medical Residents in Public Health) Spring Meeting - “Health in a Changing World". The ASPHER-WHO CCP Fellow co-led a workshop with over 30 public health medicine residents from across the European region.

Answering the call by use of a bottom-up approach, PH medical residents had the opportunity to break into groups and review the climate health specific curricular elements collected by the ASPHER-WHO CCP. In-depth discussion was gained around agreement of components, Missingness of specific topics and questions around how and where these novel components should be delivered.

ASPHER Core Curriculum to increase Climate Crisis awareness and preparedness of public health professionals Workshop presented keynote speech and introduction by Prof. Laurent Chambaud - ASPHER Climate Health Lead and Tara Chen - ASPHER Fellow on Climate Health.

The session was the followed by an introduction to the ASPHER-WHO CCP by Karl Conyard - ASPHER-WHO CCP Fellow and Prof. Ianis Delpla of EHESP gave example of how schools of public health can carry out action to be part of “the solution". Dr. Ambrogio Cerri gave key input regarding moderation and Dr. Chiara Caddedu closed the session with some food for thought.